Natural Fruity Oats Cereal (vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free)

Natural Fruity Oats Cereal (vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free)
2016-04-17 01:25:09

Now I can't really name which popular sugar-filled cereal this is a healthier alternative to, but this clean, natural breakfast treat almost looks like small pebbles that taste a little fruity 😉
- 3 cups gluten free oats
- Natural fruit-flavored food colorings (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, & purple)
- Homemade almond milk (or coconut milk)
- Add about 1/2 cup gluten free oats to a small bowl. Add about 2 TBSP of natural red food coloring. Stir with a spoon until color is evenly distributed. (If needed, add more coloring, but only add a little bit at a time — you only want enough color to coat your oats, but not enough to make it super mushy.) Repeat for orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple food colors, keeping in separate bowls.
- Once colored, spread your oats out on a couple of dehydrator trays. Dehydrate on about 118-135F for 45min-2 hours, depending on temperature. (The lower the temp, the longer you'll need to leave them in.) You basically just want to crisp the oats up so they create a dry cereal. (Can also use an oven set to it's lowest temperature if you don't have a dehydrator.)
- Once all of your oats are dry and crisp, mix them together and serve with fresh made almond milk or coconut milk.
- Wanna kick your cereal's flavor up a notch? Add a tsp of alcohol free vanilla extract, two drops of liquid stevia, and a sprinkle of flaked coconut and mix it all in with your cereal and milk. Also feel free to throw in a couple fresh or frozen berries!
Simple Unsweet https://simpleunsweet.com/
breakfast gluten free healthy alternatives refined sugar free
Love! Pinning 🙂
Thanks so much, Aimee! Your blog photos are gorgeous 🙂
Ahhh! This is amazing! I particularly love the way you styled the cereal – how fun would it be to keep a little pink box of this stashed in the cupboard!
Thanks so much! I have to admit it was quite fun spray painting a mini cereal box! 😀
[…] Natural Fruity Oats Cereal by Simple Unsweet [vegan, gluten-free, naturally colored, refined sugar-free] […]
I owe you my life.
is this real or no? like is there a recipe because Im trying to find a healthier alternative to fruity pebbles
What is the recipe please for fruity oats? I can’t find it on the site. thanks!
Me too! Im so confused by this website. I thought this was a real alternative to fruity pebbles! Hopefully it is and there’s a secret link somewhere on here that will make our dreams come true!! LOL *crossing fingers*